Alumino-silica gels, hard white beads with high resistance to crushing and low attrition rate. Because of its large surface area SG-19 alumina beads exhibit a high adsorption for water vapour. The desiccant can be reactivated without significantly impairing the efficiency. It is therefore very conomical, easy to dispose of and without any known adverse effects on the environment.

Formula:SiO2: approx. 83% (無(wú)定形二氧化矽)
Al?O?:approx. 17%
CAS-No. 1327-36-2
Physical and chemical
Adsorption capacity (at 25°C)
at 20 % RH min. 5.8%
at 40 % RH min. 11.5 %
at 80 % RH min. 33 %
Moisture loss max. 3.0 %
Crushing strength min. 80 N
Attrition rate min. 0.05 %
Standard grain sizes 2 – 5 mm
Other special gradings on request
Due to their high adsorptive capacity SG-19 alumina beads have a multitude of uses: Dynamic adsorption (removal of moisture from a continuously lowing gas or liquid stream) as well as static adsorption (removal of moisture and control of humidity in packaging and other enclosed spaces without induced air flow). Due to their special surface structure SG-19 alumina beads are preferably being used for the adsorption of water vapour and as ethyne absorbent for preparation of liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen and as liquid absorbent or catalyst carrier in oil chemistry,electricity and brewery industry.
Airtight in 25 kg – bags,cartons, reconditioned 150 kg
steel drums or 1000 kg-bulk bags with PE-Inliner
SG-18 must always be kept in airtight containers to avoid pre-adsorption with water vapour. Face masks should be used at continual exposure to extensive dusting.
Any details of application possibilities do not free the purchaser from
he obligation of performing his own tests on the material supplied by the seller, in order to determine their suitability for the intended rocesses and purposes. Application, use and processing of the material cannot be controlled by the seller and are thus the sole responsibility of the purchaser.