molecular sieve 3? is a crystalline, high porous potassium alumino silicate. Gas, steams and liquids can be adsorbed
reversibly or separated selectively due to the special crystal
lattice with absolutely uniform, spherical cavities which are
connected by channels. The large internal surface of 600 – 700m2/g results in a stronger bond of adsorption and in polar characteristics of the molecular sieve structure. The pore openings are approx. 3? across. Molecules bigger than the pore opening of the molecular sieve cannot be adsorbed, smaller can.

Formula:K12[(AlO2)12 (SiO2)12] . 12 H2O
CAS-No. :1318 – 02 – 1
Physical and chemical
Adsorption capacity min. 18.5 %
(on dry basis; 40 % RH, 25 °C)
Moisture loss (1h, 550°C) max. 1.5 %
Bulk density min. 720 g/l
Standard grain sizes
0.7 – 2.0 mm
> 2.0 mm max. 10.0 %
< 0.7 mm max. 10.0 %
Other gradings on request
molecular sieve 3? is used in various applications, such as the purification of gas, the drying of steam and liquids and the removal of water from air. The reactivation of the molecular sieve 3? takes place via heating up on 350 – 400 °C or via reduction in pressure. The molecular sieve 3? has been particularly developed for use in manufacture of insulating glass. Because of pore diameter of approx. 3?, the molecular sieve does not uptake nitrogen, argon or SF6. Therefore molecular sieve 3? is recommended for air-filled as well as for gas-filled insulating glass units.
Airtight in 25 kg – bags,cartons, reconditioned 150 kg steel
drums or 1000 kg-bulk bags with PE-Inliner
molecular sieve 3? must always be kept in airtight containers to avoid pre-adsorption with water vapour. Face masks should be used at ontinual exposure to extensive dusting.
Any details of application possibilities do not free the purchaser from the
obligation of performing his own tests on the material supplied by the seller, in
order to determine their suitability for the intended rocesses and purposes.
Application, use and processing of the material cannot be controlled by the
seller and are thus the sole responsibility of the purchaser.